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Primaries or Primary. Delegates to the national convention are allocated (chosen) on the basis of percentage of votes candidates win in the presidential primary. This system has been used in most of the states.

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Q: The method most used in the United States for choosing delegates to a party convention is the?
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Who was in charge of the Constitutional Convention?

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When did delegates approve Three-Fifths compromise?

During the 1787 United states constitutional convention

The delegates of the Philadelphia Convention agreed to do what?

To create a so called "new" government for the United States.

Which of the delegates present at the constitutional convention became the fourth president of the United States?

James Madison.

What happened at the Constitutional Convention?

Delegates wrote the United States Constitution (APEX)

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The delegates from the 13 colonies were asked to come to the Constitutional Convention of 1787 by James Madison. The purpose of the convention was to revise the Articles of Confederation and create a stronger central government for the newly-formed United States. Ultimately, the convention resulted in the drafting and adoption of the United States Constitution.

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There were 55 delegates that attended the Constitutional Convention in the United States. However, there were only 39 delegates that signed the final document either due to their conflicting beliefs or skepticism.

All 55 delegates that attended the constitutional convention signed the final document?

There were 55 delegates that attended the Constitutional Convention in the United States. However, there were only 39 delegates that signed the final document either due to their conflicting beliefs or skepticism.

In what year was the constitution signed by the delegates to the constitutional convention?

September 17, 1787 at the Constitutional Convention held in Philadelpia.

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Most of the provisions written by the delegates at the Constitutional Convention of the United States are still used today. The way the president is elected has been modified.

What is the Continetal Congress?

The Continental Congress was a convention of delegates from the Thirteen Colonies that became the governing body of the United States during the American Revolution.

What are delegates and how are they selected?

they are voted in by the people of your state.