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The White House is known as the nerve center of the executive office of the president. James Hoban was the architect of the White House.

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Q: The nerve center of the executive office of the president is th?
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What occurs when a person has left bundle branch block?

There are several types of left bundle branch block, each producing its own characteristic mechanism of failure. In each case, the nerve impulse is blocked or delayed. Patients with LBBB may have left ventricular disease or cardiomyopathy.

Top 10 weak points in the person?

In any fight situation, (street fights, karate fights, etc.) possible body weapons include short jabs and strikes with elbows, knees, and hands. The key to winning any confrontation or street fight is to be aggressive and concentrate your attack on the opponent's vital points in order to end the fight as soon as possible. A knowledge of human body pressure points can be your key to survival.One way to accomplish this is to focus on your opponent's most vital areas, or pressure points. A body is separated into three main sections: high, middle and low. Each of these sections contains vital targets. The effects of striking these targets could be brutal. In this article, let's take a look at the pressure point of the High Section. This section includes the head and neck and is the most dangerous target area. Areas for attack might include:(1) Top of the head. The skull is weakest where the front cranial bones join, right between the eyes. A powerful strike could cause trauma to the cranial cavity, possibly resulting in unconsciousness and hemorrhage.(2) Temple. The bones of the skull are weak at the temple and an artery and large nerve lie close to the skin. A strike here could cause unconsciousness or concussion.(3) Eyes. A slight poke in the eyes causes uncontrollable watering and blurred sight. A forceful jab could cause brief blindness or the eyes could be gouged out. Death could result if the fingers penetrate through the thin bone behind the eyes and into the brain.(4) Nose. Any blow here could easily break the thin bones of the nose, causing extreme pain and eye watering.(5) Under the nose. A blow to the nerve center, which is close to the surface under the nose, could cause great pain and watery eyes.(6) Jaw. A blow to the jaw could break or dislocate it. If the facial nerve is pinched against the lower jaw, one side of the face may be paralyzed.(7) Chin. A blow to the chin could cause paralysis, mild concussion or unconsciousness. The jawbone acts as a lever that could transmit the force of a blow to the back of the brain where the cardiac and respiratory mechanisms are controlled.(8) Back of the ears and base of the skull. A moderate blow to the back of the ears or the base of the skull could cause unconsciousness by the jarring effect on the back of the brain. However, a powerful blow could cause a concussion or brain hemorrhage and death.(9) Throat. A powerful blow to the front of the throat could cause death by crushing the windpipe. A forceful blow causes extreme pain and gagging or vomiting.(10) Side of neck. A sharp blow to the side of the neck causes unconsciousness by shock to the carotid artery, jugular vein, and vagus nerve. For maximum effect, the blow should be focused below and slightly in front of the ear. A less powerful blow causes involuntary muscle spasms and intense pain. The side of the neck is one of the best targets to use to drop an opponent immediately or to disable him temporarily to finish him later.Effective striking with the weapons of the body to the opponent's vital points is essential for a victorious outcome in a hand-to-hand struggle.For the top 10 pressure points of the middles and low sections go to Hope this helps!

What did the sons of liberty do at the Second continental congress?

After the Battles of Lexington and Concord, a Second Continental Congress met. Colonists were still thinking about the two battles. The Congress met on May 10, 1776, in the State House in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It is now called Indepence Hall.This second Congress had a few delegates that hadn't been at The First Continental Congress. Some of those new and returning delegates included Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and the new president of the Continental Congress, John Hancock. The Congress included sixty-five delegates. Thomas Jefferson was a plantation owner and a lawyer who was well-known as a good writer. Benjamin Franklin wanted independence, but many delegates disagreed. Even after the Battles of Lexington and Concord, they weren't ready to break away from Great Britain.The day that the Second Continental Congress met, Ethan Allen and Benedict Arnold had captured Fort Ticonderoga on Lake Champlain in New York.The Second Continental Congress decided many important things. At the Congress, they decided to completely break away from Great Britain. On May 15, 1776, they decided to officially put the colonies in a state of defense.Another thing they decided they had to do was to organize the militia of the colonies better. So, they decided to form an army called the American Continental Army. On June 14, 1776, the Congress officially appointed George Washington as commander-in-chief of the army. He was elected unanimously. George Washington knew that this army would face great difficulty. He later wrote that Americans were "not then organized as a nation, or known as a people upon the earth. We had no preparation. Money, the nerve of war, was wanting." Great Britain was the most powerful nation on earth. It was a frightening thought that the Continental Army would might need to fight Great Britain

What ia jujube?

Jujube is commonly called "red dates". It's the fruit of the Ziphus Zizyphus tree, a modest sized arbor or shrub, sometimes reaching a height of 10 meters. The tree is sacred to Muslims, and the small fruit,which looks like a large olive, but tastes like an apple, is used as a natural remedy for multitudinous conditions. Eye conditions is one of the known conditions this fruit is used for. Here is a list of things its used for diarrhea, dysentery, gout rheumatism, prevention of gravel formation in the bladder, diabetes, constipation, leucorrhea and spermatorrhea, memory boosting, increases the function of brain, nerve tonic, tones up nerves, effective against melanoma cells, stomach-aches, syphilis, calm intestinal irritations, respiratory, throat, urinary inflammation, liver troubles, asthma, fever, dry, itchy skin neutralizing drug toxicities you can find more info and how these and other ingredients can be used to help various conditions here

What are neuro checks?

Neuro checks are an assessment made by a medical professional on someone with a head injury, cervical injury, nerve function in injury/surgery, or stroke. Neuro checks should be performed once an hour for 24 hours in someone with a head injury. Depending on type of injury any of these checks could be done:Level of ConsciousnessA/O and compare it with their baselineSpeech clarityFacial symmetry (smile)Tongue midline (stick your tongue out; doesn't deviate to one side)Grasp strengthHave the patient lift their leg up as you try to push it down; compare bilaterallyPupil check (PERRLA: pupils equal, round, react to light and accommodationNeuro checks can be done by someone other than a medical professional in cases of minor head injuries. These assessments should be followed every hour for 24 hours:Make sure the person can be awakenedMake sure the person can walkMake sure the person can speak normallyMake sure the person can move extremities normallySeek medical attention right away if any of these symptoms are present:Poor mental alertnessAbnormal walkingAbnormal balanceAbnormal behaviorAbnormal pupilsAbnormal speechAbnormal thinkingDecreased strength in the arms and legsRepeated vomiting

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Why front office called the nerve center of the hotel?

true or false ?

Why the front office is the nerve center?

A nerve center is a place where decisions are made. If they're calling the front office a nerve center, then they're giving the people in that office permission to make decisions. Calling it the nerve center is a bit odd - for upper management to be responsible for the company's actions, then the upper management should be the primary nerve center. It's likely just a customer service ploy to say that customer service people are actually allowed to help.

Why is that front office is called a nerve center of the hotel?

because all transaction are there in front office

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The nerve center of an army is its headquarters.

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Nerve Center - 2011 was released on: USA: 11 August 2012

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Nerve Center - 2011 is rated/received certificates of: USA:TV-PG

Why is it that front office is considered as the nerve center of the hotel?

Front Office is a center of guest activities and an image of the hotel. Front Liner staffs must great as often as possible to all guests who are entering to the hotel to create a positive image of hotel and show the generous of hotel.

The nerve center of an army is its what?

The nerve center of an army is its headquarters. From this centralized location, strategic decisions and operations are planned, coordinated, and executed. It serves as the command center where the overall direction and control of the army's activities are managed.

What is the explanation for the nucleus in a nerve cell?

Chemical control center and data repository. It has nothing to do with the function of the nerve cell as part of a nerve.

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the song is called commercial for nerve

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What nerve is involved with carpal tunnel syndrome?

The median nerve, this nerve supplies feeling and movement to the thumb and "thumb-side" of the hand.