Inagural Address - this is the speech the President gives the country at the inauguration ceremony, right after he swears his oath and is declared "in office" and the President of the United States.
William Henry Harrison had the longest inauguration in history. He stood out in front of the Capitol building for two hours giving a speech in the pouring rain without an overcoat, gloves, or had. He died a month later of pneumonia as a result.
Possibly the inauguration speech from President Lincoln.
What is the inauguration?
That was George Washington's second inaugural speech in 1793. Click on the "Second George Washington Inaugural Speech" link below to read it. George Washington's 2nd inaugural address was the shortest in history.
Inagural Address - this is the speech the President gives the country at the inauguration ceremony, right after he swears his oath and is declared "in office" and the President of the United States.
New presidents make a speech as part of their inauguration ceremony. This speech is called the inaugural address. The new president tells what his goals and plans are for the next four years, so people find it interesting.
The inauguration of Barack Obama as the fourty-fourth President of the United States of America is seen by many as a truly historic event.
An inaugural speech is a speech given on the day that someone is sworn in to office, such as a president or mayor. Being sworn in also called an inauguration.
This ceremony is called the Inaugaration. It includes the new president making a speech, and there is usually a formal dinner and ball.
The "president" gets sworn in
An inaugural speech is a speech given on the day that someone is sworn in to office, such as a president or mayor. Being sworn in also called an inauguration.
George Washington, the first president of the Unites States of America, was the first US president to have an inauguration, and the first to give an inauguration speech. The inauguration was held in New York City which was the first capital.
George Washington, the 1st US President, gave the shortest inauguration speech, at just 135 words. Abraham Lincoln's second inauguration speech was very short as well.
William Henry Harrison had the longest inauguration in history. He stood out in front of the Capitol building for two hours giving a speech in the pouring rain without an overcoat, gloves, or had. He died a month later of pneumonia as a result.
An inauguration is a formal ceremony to mark the beginning of a major public leader's term of office. The "inaugural address" is a speech given during this ceremony which informs the people of his/her intentions as a leader.Political inaugurations often feature lavish ceremonies, in which the politician publicly takes his or her oath of office in front of a large crowd of spectators. The equivalent ceremony in another jurisdiction may such as to be called a "swearing in". A monarchical inauguration is similar to what in another jurisdiction may be called a coronation or enthroment.