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Q: The number-one goal of the Truman Doctrine was to stop the spread of?
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the goal of truman doctrine was to?

fight the spread of communism aid nations that were in danger of becoming communist

The goal of the Truman doctrine was to?

fight the spread of communism aid nations that were in danger of becoming communist

What was the goal of the Truman Doctrine was to?

The Truman Doctrine was a governmental policy to stop the spread of communism in Europe and around the world with military and economic aid. The doctrine received bipartisan support and led to United States intervention in the Greek Civil War, Korea, and Vietnam.

What did Truman hope to accomplish with the Truman doctrine?

The Truman Doctrine was based on the U.S.A's fear of communism taking over the world. The main goal of the Truman Doctrine was to stop communism from spreading further ( containment of communism) this was to be achieved by promoting ( more like fighting for) democracy in countries that were falling to communism. Truman believed his goal would have been accomplished when the whole world was rid of communism and became a democracy instead.

What was the main goal of stopping communism?

The Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan-

What was the major goal of the US in the aftermath of World War 2?

stop Communism from spreading....Nato and the Truman doctrine promised to involve USA in the world economy and military matters...USA even put troops in west Germany to warn off Stalin

What was a goal of president Truman in ordering research of hydrogen bomb?

The goal was to discourage the Soviet Union from attacking free nations.

What was Truman goal in using the atomic bomb against Japan?

End WW2, ASAP.

What was a goal of Phillip II?

to spread Catholicism

What is the goal of containment?

to stop the spread of communism

Which was a goal for Philip ll?

To spread Catholicism

What becomes the ultimate goal of the Truman doctorine?

to get rid of this stupid site cause it doesnt help