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The Republican Party.

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Q: The political party made up of antislavery Democrats Free-Soilers and Whigs was the?
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Who emerged in the 1850s as an antislavery party and consisted of former Northern Whigs and antislavery Democrats?

the whigs and democrats embraced the idea of popular sovereignty

What party did the antislavery democrats and whigs join with members of the liberty party to form?

Free Soil Party

What was was a direct result of the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

The outbreak in Kansas of violent turmoils called "Bleeding Kansas" and the rise of the Republican Party in which converged the ex-Whigs and democrats freesoilers.

What were the political parties during the Texas annexation?

whigs and democrats

Why did the whig party expel president tyler from their political party?

Northern Whigs became Republicans, Southern Whigs became Democrats

What UK political party were originally called The Whigs?

The Whigs became the Liberals which eventually merged with the SDP to become the modern Liberal Democrats

Example of political party?

Federalists, Whigs, Republicans, Democrats, Democratic-Republicans, Anti-Masons.

The political party founded by those angry with Andrew Jackson was the?

The Whigs were the opposition to the Jacksonian Democrats.

What new political party with a central antislavery philosophy became popular in the North in the mid 1850s?

The Republican Party emerged in the mid-1850s as a new political party in the North with a central antislavery philosophy. It attracted a diverse coalition of former Whigs, Free Soilers, and antislavery Democrats who opposed the expansion of slavery into new territories. The party's rise to prominence culminated in the election of Abraham Lincoln as president in 1860.

The evasion of the slavery issue by whigs and democrats in 1848?

The Whigs and Democrats avoided and evaded the issue of slavery in the election of 1848 by splitting down the middle on who was for and who was against slavery. Whigs and Democrats in the South wanted to keep slavery. Whigs and Democrats in the North wanted to abolish slavery.

How did the views of the whigs and democrats differ from those in the Free-soil Party?

the whigs and democrats embraced the idea of popular sovereignty

How did the views of the Whigs and democrats differ from those in the free soil?

the whigs and democrats embraced the idea of popular sovereignty