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Q: The presidential advisory unit that declined most in importance during the twentieth century is the?
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The presidential advisory unit that declined most in relevance as a policymaking forum during the twentieth century is the?


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Because they dont think anything is important mussa

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The total number of industry employees declined from nearly 9,000 in 1997 to roughly 8,000 in 2000.

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Ration cards are used in Southeast Asia for providing underprivileged individuals with food coupons. The importance of Ration Cards has declined due to invention of better ways of distribution.

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Portugal & Greece. Italy has gone from a mainly-agricultural country, to a leading industrial economy.

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USSR , the Soviet UnionPer a web-article from the Star Tribune newspaper: The Soviet Union made a secret offer to help finance Humphrey's 1968 presidential campaign against Richard Nixon, according to the memoir of Anatoly Dobrynin, the Soviet ambassador to the United States. Humphrey declined the offer.

In what major countries of southern Europe has agriculture declined in importance?

Portugal & Greece. Italy has gone from a mainly-agricultural country, to a leading industrial economy.