the united states, united kingdom , France , soviet union , china ,45 other nations.
British Empire, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and the United States of America, known as the "Big Three",[3] held leadership of the allied powers. France, before its defeat in 1940 and after Operation Overlord in 1944, as well as China[4][5][6] at that time, were also major Allies.[7] Other Allies included Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Ethiopia, Greece, Mexico, theNetherlands, New Zealand, Norway, the Union of South Africa and Yugoslavia.[8]
Soviet Union invasion of Afghanistan
The United States spread democracy to the other countries through brute force. It in order words was by rough methods. This was not only by examples, but by military coups and economic sanctions.
The Allies won, they consisted of the United Kingdom, Soviet Union and the USA. To a lesser extent Canada, Australia and other Commonwealth countries were also part of the AlliesSoviet Union (Russia), United States, Great Britain, China, France and many others but those five became permanent members of Security Council of United Nations with veto power.Soviet Union and United States contrubuted most and become super powers after the war.A group of countries won world war 2 called the "Allied forces" no independent country wonActually no single country won in ww2. The warring sides in ww2 were-1 the axis powers(Germany,Italy , japan, along with Albania, Bulgaria, Finland, Romania and Thailand)2 the allied powers( Britain, France, the commonwealth, USA, USSR and china)the allied powers emerged as the winners.
Interview us and Soviet leaders about differences in costoms that affected the negotiations. (APEX)
The US and the Soviet Union were able to relate to each other at the United Nations. They made agreements on arms control.
the cold war
Russia usually goes by the name of United Soviet Social Republic, but many other countries such as Kazakhstan belonged to it too.
The Soviet Union (U.S.S.R) and the United States
The Union Of Soviet Socialist Republics Otherwise Known As The Soviet Union Or The USSR.
The United States and the Soviet Union were allied in World War II, but faced each other in the Cold War of the 1960s.
The Soviet Union and The United States
Two in our own solar system, and nearly 1,000 in orbit around other stars.
because the United states and the soviet union didnt trust each other. United stated believed in capitalism and he Soviet union believed in Communison
Soviet Union supported Communist China and nearly all the other powers supported Nationalist China.
The Soviet Union was invaded by Germany. Nearly 24 million Soviet citizen died during the war- about 14 million of them civilians. Some people consider the Soviet Union to have suffered more than all of the other Allies combined.