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the executive and leglative branch are separate

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because i don't know

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Q: The states does not have a unitary form of government because?
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Which form of government are states loosely united for a common purpose?


What is difference between federal and unitary form of government?

Federal government is the result of a union of states. Which, could be assumed not to be sovereign. Unitary Government is when there are no states in federation, rather the government is all (other than local needs) at national level. Thus Unitary is not Sovereign.

In which form of government are states loosely united for a common purpose?


Is the Philippine government unitary or federal?

The Philippine government has a unitary form of government

What is the meaning of unitary and binary form?

Unitary- Government. of or pertaining to a system of government in which the executive, legislative, and judicial powers of each state in a body of states are vested in a central authority. Binary-Having two parts of government

Is a unitary form of government is also a parliamentary form of government?

It can be, but not necessarily. A unitary state is simply one where the power is centralized in one place and contrasts with a federation in which power is divided among states/regions and a central government. For example, the UK is a unitary state (for the most part) whereas the US is a federation. A parliamentary form of government simply means that the executive branch/ministers/cabinet are part of the legislative body. Both unitary and federal states can have parliaments. For example, India is a federation with a parliamentary system where as the UK is a unitary state with a parliamentary system.

Form of government in which all power resides with the states and the central government exercises only delegated power is called?


True or False the Constitution established a unitary form of government?

true or false . indian constitution has adopted unitary form of government

In which of these government must local government follow the direction of the central government?

Federalism is the form of government in which local governments must follow the direction of the central government.

How would a unitary government be either democratic or dictatorial in form?

A unitary government might be either democratic or dictatorial in form by the fact that it is governed by a single body.

Is Italy a unitary government?

Italy is an example of an unitary government. However, there are many more countries with this form of government, including Chile, Haiti, Portugal. and Panama. An unitary government is one in which the central government has all the power.

What form of government does Libya have?

Libya government is a Unitary Parliamentary Republic