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Through the grants of power in the U.S. Constitution, the Framers sought to empower government and limit it. This was accomplished through the federalism system of government which distributed authority between the national and individual state governments.

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Q: Through the grants of power in the Constitution the Framers sought to?
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Progressive sought to create a federal income tax by?

A constitution amendment

What is one reason the Constitution divides powers between the federal government and state governments?

The framers of the Constitution had already fought a war to rid themselves of a tyrannical government and wanted to take precautions to avoid this happening in the new nation. They sought to divide the powers between the states and government to assure neither entity would become too powerful.

Who was the president who endorsed the Lecompton Constitution?

The Lecompton Constitution was one of several state constitutions proposed to the US Congress for approval by the territory of Kansas, as it sought to become a US state. President James Buchanan, although he was not the president at the time, was a supporter of the Lecompton Constitution, which would have preserved slave-owner rights in the new state. Kansas was admitted as a free state in 1861, due to the opposition of abolitionists living their at the time.

What is the term for spilt of authority among the three branches of government?

Balance of powersThe Framers of the Constitution, following John Locke and Edmund Burke, late 17th century political philosophers, sought to curtail governmental tyranny.Montesquieu, a French political philosopher, proffered to split the powers of the government into executive, legislative and judicial. John Madison, among others, was impressed by these thoughts of diffusing the power of government to maximize the liberties of humankind.Thus the Constructional Convention accepted this idea. In addition, to further the diffusion of governmental power, it gave unenumerated powers to the States.

Did the constitution have a strong or weak central government?

Absolutely. The framers of the Constitution, including Madison, Hamilton, and Washington, had watched the country deteriorate under the Articles of Confederation. The Articles had left the states fully sovereign, while the central government barely functioned (it could not even raise its own revenue. It depended on contributions from the states, much like the UN). They saw veterans riot over the Confederal Congerss' inability to pay pensions, and they saw Shay's Rebellion nearly cripple the government of Massachusetts. The states also squabbled over their borders and fought for land in the west. It seemed that without a more unified central government, peace could not be guaranteed. So, when the framers met in Philadelphia in 1787, they sought to create a government strong enough to enable free trade among the states, quell domestic rebellions, and stand strong on the international stage. To do this, they had to prohibit the states from acting independently. Thus, the new Constitution actually did, and was intended to, take away rights from the individual states, and create "a more perfect union." It was only the Anti-federalists (opposed to its ratification), who were in favor of retaining states' rights. From then on, the central government has grown stronger, and the nation has been more prosperous.

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A major intention of the framers of the Articles of Confederation?

The intent of the framers of the Articles of Confederation was to create a small government. The framers also sought to create a cohesive Constitution.

In his criticism of the Constitution the economist Charles Beard argued that?

Charles Beard argued that the framers of the U.S. Constitution were wealthy landowners who sought to protect their economic interests. He believed that the Constitution reflected their desire to maintain their power and influence over the government, rather than truly serving the interests of the broader population. Beard's analysis emphasized the role of economic motivations in shaping the document.

What Progressives sought to create a federal income tax by?

A constitution amendment

What did progressives sought to create a federal income tax by?

A constitution amendment

Progressive sought to create a federal income tax by?

A constitution amendment

How did the Texas constitutions change from 1836 to 1876?

The Texas Constitution of 1836 established the Republic of Texas and granted broad powers to the president. The Constitution of 1845 admitted Texas as a state, but maintained many provisions from the 1836 constitution, including the strong executive branch. The Constitution of 1876, in response to concerns of centralized power, sought to limit the authority of the governor and return power to smaller governments, such as county governments. It also included provisions aimed at limiting state debt and land grants.

Who was the name Federalists initially applied to?

The men who sought a strong union and who fought for the adoption of the Constitution.

What two states were not part of the nine to legally ratify the constitution but were sought for ratification in order to ensure a strong backing of the constitution?

The two states sought to ensure strong backing for ratification of The Constitution of the United States were Delaware and Pennsylvania. These were the first two states to sign.

What is one reason the Constitution divides powers between the federal government and state governments?

The framers of the Constitution had already fought a war to rid themselves of a tyrannical government and wanted to take precautions to avoid this happening in the new nation. They sought to divide the powers between the states and government to assure neither entity would become too powerful.

Why do you think the supreme court ruled that slaves were not citizens?

they though they were not good enough and they were just their servants and not citizens

What was Ben Franklin's main contribution to the constitution?

He was a delegate to the Constitutional Convention, and his main contribution was to lend his reputation in support of the Federalists, who sought to write a new Constitution that empowered the federal government.

President Nixon sought to correct the public ill-will over Vietnam through all of these policies?

Nixon sought to correct the public ill will over Vietnam through rehabilitation policies.