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Topography deals with surface features of a region, including its landforms and rivers, lakes, etc., and with man-made features such as canals, bridges, and roads. According to this definition, the topography of a region includes its? mountains

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Yes, the term topography includes all surface features whether natural or man-made.

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Q: Topography deals with surface features of a region including its landforms and rivers lakes etc and with man-made features such as canals bridges and roads According to this definition the t?
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What is the shape of land determined by relief elevation and landforms?

The shape of land determined by relief, elevation, and landforms is known as the topography of the area. Topography refers to the arrangement of the natural and artificial physical features of an area, including hills, valleys, rivers, and other landforms.

Topography deals with surface features of a region, including its landforms and rivers, lakes, etc, and with man-made features such as canals, bridges, and roads According to this definition, the to?

According to the provided definition, the study of topography encompasses a detailed examination and mapping of surface features, both natural and man-made, within a specific area. It involves analyzing the physical characteristics of the land, water bodies, and constructed elements such as infrastructure and transportation routes. By understanding topography, researchers can gain insight into the unique geographic attributes and spatial layout of a region.

What is an area's topography is determined by?

An area's topography is determined by the area's elevation, relief, and landforms :)

How the term landforms is related to the term topography?

because the term topography is part of a landform

How is the term landforms related to the term topography?

because the term topography is part of a landform

What term refers to the shape or configuration of the landforms on Earth's surface?

The term for the shape or configuration of landforms on Earth's surface is topography. Topography includes features like mountains, valleys, slopes, and plains.

Is land form topography?

Landform is a broader term that encompasses the physical features of the Earth's surface, including relief, terrain, and topography. Topography, on the other hand, specifically refers to the detailed mapping of the surface features of a region, such as elevation, slopes, and landforms.

What refers to the vertical elevation differences in local landscape?

Vertical elevation differences in local landscapes are referred to as "topography". Topography is the study of the shape and features of the land surface, including its relief, elevation, and landforms.

How the term landform is related to the term topography?

Landform refers to the natural physical features on the Earth's surface, such as mountains, valleys, and plains. Topography, on the other hand, refers to the detailed mapping or description of the surface features of a region, including its landforms, elevation, and scale. In essence, landforms are the specific physical features, while topography encompasses the broader study and representation of these features.

Which of these landforms is characteristic of an area with karst topography?

Sinkholes are characteristic of an area with karst topography. Karst topography is formed by the dissolution of soluble rocks like limestone, creating unique landforms such as sinkholes, caves, and disappearing streams.

An area's topography is determined by the area's elevation, relief, and?


4 major landforms associated with Karst Topography?

Sinkholes, caves, disappearing streams, and limestone pavements are major landforms associated with Karst Topography.