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No they are defined by the King.

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Q: True or false the legislative branch of government defines criminal laws?
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What article in the Constitution outline the makeup of the legislative branch?

Article I of the Constitution defines the legislative branch of the U.S. government.

Where in the Constitution is the function of the legislative branch of the government explained?

article 1Article I of the US Constitution defines the legislative branch.

This lays out the powers and composition of the legislative branch what number article is this?

Article I of the Constitution defines the legislative branch of the U.S. government.

Which articles in the constitution outlines the makeup of this branch?

Article I of the Constitution defines the legislative branch of the U.S. government.

What branch of government acts as a forum for the public to express its views on the criminal justice system?

Legislative Branch Source: Intro to Criminal Justice-Siegel Legislative Branch Source: Intro to Criminal Justice-Siegel

What article deals with legislative power?

The Constitution of the United States of America is made up of a preamble and seven articles. It is the first article that defines the powers and limits of the Legislative branch of the government. The second article of the Constitution defines the powers of the Executive branch of government, and the third article of the Constitution defines the powers of the Judicial branch of government.

Which article in the constitution outlines the makeup of this branches?

Article I of the Constitution defines the legislative branch of the U.S. government.

How branches are outlined in the constitution?

Article I of the Constitution defines the legislative branch of the U.S. government.

What branch of the government helps shape justice policy by creating appropriations for the criminal justice agencies?

The legislative branch.

Which article states how the legislative branch should work?

Article 1 defines the legislative branch.

What does article 1 of the constitution deal with?

Article I of the US Constitution establishes the Legislative Branch, defining the structure of the two houses of Congress and the powers of each. The article also defines the qualifications for elections and the congressional terms. (For the text and links to amendments, see the related link.)