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One of the two unique powers of the senate include confirming presidential appointees. The other is the power to impeach a president or federal judge.

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Q: Two unique powers of the senate?
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What are two unique powers of the senate?

The power to make treaties and confirm the presidents appointments

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What are two executive powers the Senate possessed?

appointments and treaties.

What are the two powers of the senate?

The Senate has more than two powers, but a few of the powers they have that no other branch of the Federal Gov't has are: 1) To confirm Presidential appointments such as Supreme Court justices. 2) To ratify treaties made by the executive branch. 3) The Senate acts as judge and jury in impeachment cases.

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What are the two executive powers possessed by the Senate?

one of those powers has to do with appointments to office, and the other with treaties made by the president.

Does the senate have enumerated powers?

The Senate does not have enumerated powers. According to Article 1, Section 8 of the US constitution, Congress has enumerated powers.

What are two expressed powers the constitution gives to the vice-president?

These are the express powers of the Vice President:The VP is the President of the Senate and can preside over it.He casts a vote in the Senate when there is a tie.He assumes the powers of the President upon the death, resignation or incapacitation of the President.

What is the executive power of the senate?

There are no executive powers that are held by the Senate. Executive powers are reserved only for the President of the United States.

What is an executive power of senate?

There are no executive powers that are held by the Senate. Executive powers are reserved only for the President of the United States.

What are the two powers unique to the federal government?

the ability to fart out mushrooms and the ability to fly.......................

What body approves many of the powers and duties of the president?

By the Senate