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The gold value is so small that it can't be measured. It is a layer an atom or two thick on aluminum. There is little extra value to these replicas and stamp collectors typically do not want them in their collections.

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Q: US presidents gold replica stamps worth?
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How much for set of 22kt gold set of commeative stamps worth?

The value of these gold replica stamps, the ones on First Day Covers, is minimal. The amount of gold is so small that it would take thousands of them to make up an ounce of gold.

What is stamped gold?

Stamps of gold are generally just replica stamps that are coated with a very thin layer of gold foil. They are manufactured by private companies, not the US government, so they are not limited edition. Generally speaking they are not worth much in terms of gold weight or collectibility/rarity.

Are 23kt gold stamps real gold?

Certainly they are real - you can touch them and see them . . . I think you may have meant to ask if the gold on postage stamps is real. First, there is no postage stamp with gold on it . . . you are referring to 22k gold stamps made by people to sell to people who think they are buying something valuable. These are called replica stamps and are nearly worthless because no dealer will buy them.

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What is the value of walking liberty replica 1933?

If you mean a replica of a 1933 $20 gold coin? it's only worth what you can get.

How much is a 22kt gold Wyoming statehood replica stamp worth?

Prices for a 22kt gold Wyoming statehood replica stamp vary from $0.99 up to $15.00.

Does the gold in replica stamps have any value?

I hate to tell you, but very little. They have almost no real gold, such a thin layer that it would take thousands of them to get a measurable amount.

How much is a 22k plated replica of the American Red Cross 100th Anniversary stamp worth?

You might be able to sell it on eBay for a dollar or two, which is what they can be purchased for. There isn't much gold in the stamps, it is basically an atom or two thick.

What is value of Dwight David Eisenhower gold stamp issued Oct13 1990?

Very little. These replicas have a layer of gold on the foil that is an atom or two thick. It is not really measurable and it would take thousands of them to make an amount worth anything. You might be able to get a $1 or two.

What is the value of the 1849 twenty d gold coin replica?

If it's a replica, then it's only gold-plated at best, and it's only worth as much as someone is willing to pay (which won't be much).

What is the value of a complete 50 page set og 1987 first day cover gold replica stamps?

You may be able to get a $1 or 2 per cover. These replicas have a layer of gold on the foil that is an atom or two thick. It is not really measurable and it would take thousands of them to make an amount worth anything.

What are 1995-1996 22kt gold replica stamps worth?

You can purchase them from a dealer or on eBay for about $2 per cover or even less. They have almost no real gold, such a thin layer that it would take thousands of them to get a measurable amount.