A trained civil service who runs the government is a bureaucracy. Basically, it's a group of people who run the government but are not elected by the people, but appointed by the ruler or top official.
no they did not use the civil service exam
Civil Service Commission.
The civil service examinations are a good way to choose government officials. Or, any person wishing to be admitted into the civil service. This type of examination is used in an organized, rational, manner.
The people that work in government are called, "Civil Service Workers." H.Holland
A trained civil service who runs the government is a bureaucracy. Basically, it's a group of people who run the government but are not elected by the people, but appointed by the ruler or top official.
In the Chinese Civil Service system, technically anyone could become a government official though often it goes to politically connected individuals.
In the Chinese Civil Service system, technically anyone could become a government official though often it goes to politically connected individuals.
You will have to be more specific. I live in an area where government is the main employer and there are thousands of civil service employees in our area. Half of the people that I know personally are civil servants. Out of the thousands of civil servants, you can count on your fingers the number that have any great power. The governor, the legislature, the mayors and city councils are not civil service. They are the political end of public service and subject to election to office (or the patronage of an elected official). Civil service is the labor part of government employment.
The Covenanted Civil Service was started by the British government.
The Federal government's official job list. Shown are employment search, information center, veteran information and forms. It means that person works for a government agency.
Civil service is the labor part of government employment
civil service
no they did not use the civil service exam
Being in the Army or Marines is not a civil service federal government job. Being a USPS worker would be considered a civil service federal government job.
Most civil service workers get their jobs by taking qualifying civil service exams. Passing a civil service exam places your name on a list which is provided to employers that are required to hire civil service qualified people. Information on upcoming civil service exams can be obtained from the human resources department of local government office or government agencies web sites.
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