Dover is the capital city in Delaware. It is the second-largest city in Delaware.
how many states in America have a county city or town called Independence?
city / town / city council / town council etc.
No, it is a town in England, as well as a town in Maine.
Grover Cleveland was born in Caldwell, New Jersey on March 18,1837
Dover is the capital city in Delaware. Dover is a city in Stewart County, Tennessee. Dover is a town in Pope County, Arkansas. Dover is a city in Bonner County, Idaho. Dover is a townships in Fayette County, Iowa. Dover is a city in Mason County, Kentucky. Dover is a town in Morris County, New Jersey. Dover is a town in Dutchess County, New York. Dover is a city in Strafford County, New Hampshire. Dover is a town in Craven County, North Carolina. Dover is a city in Tuscarawas County, Ohio. Dover is a town in Kingfisher County, Oklahoma. Dover is a ghost town in Sanpete County, Utah. Dover is a town in Windham County, Vermont. Dover is a town in Racine County, Wisconsin.
Dover is believed to have been named after a Kentish town in England called Dover, which was known for its white cliffs. The name "Dover" may have been chosen for the American town because it also had white cliffs along its coastline.
All states have a town or city named Springfield.
All of those states have a town or city named Bethlehem.
provide states with city county town named denmark is us
There's a city in Maine and a town in Montana named Saco.
One town in Oklahoma
indiana hawaii mississippi
Calais is the French town closest to Dover, just across the Channel.
Two: Illinois and Ohio.