Paul Revere did the drawing. It was pure Propaganda and made to incite dislike of the British.
The Boston Massacre came first out of the four. March 1770 – Boston Massacre
Boston massacre
The two events that happened in Boston before the American Revolutionary War started were the Boston Massacre and the Boston Tea Party.
Because innocent colonists died from British soldiers in the Boston Massacre, and the Boston Tea Party made the King furious and take away almost every right Boston had, so it made the colonists angry at Britain.
Boston was important because the Boston Massacre and Tea Party both happened here and also because this is where a lot o the fighting happened. Boston was also the home of John Adams.
The engraving was done by Paul Revere.
If you are asking about his drawing of the Boston Massacre he doesn't have a poem just a drawing of it which was pure propaganda.
The famous engraving of the Boston Massacre was created by Paul Revere. Two other men, Henry Pelham and Jonathan Muliken also created drawings of the event.
The Boston Massacre was in the Massachusettes colony. (Boston, Massachusettes)
A picture of the Boston massacre would have an angry mob of American colonists protesting against british soldiers. Some colonists would be dead due to the soldiers firing at the crowd.
The Boston Massacre happened in Boston, Massachusetts.
the purpose of the Boston massacre was that the people in Boston didn't want the british in their "city", and that is what led up to the Boston massacre
the boston massacre was an act of murder
A guard from the Boston Massacre.
The Boston Massacre
The Boston Massacre happened in Boston (hence the name).
The Boston Massacre was a famous event in history.We studied the Boston Massacre in class. What year was the Boston Massacre?