It is a "Think tank". It is where a group of people get together to pool their ideas about a certain subject to come up with the best answer or idea.
None. There are three branches, but none of them have exclusive dominion power
Else von Oldershausen (geb. Haugk) starb am 6. Dezember 1973 in Frauenalb im Schwarzwald (Quelle: Blumenthal, Stefan: Else Haugk (1889-1973). Die erste Schweizer Fliegerin und Pilotin. In: Cockpit. Das Schweizer Luftfahrt-Magazin, Nr. 11/November 2011, S. 52f).
Because they were controlled by a Calvinist Sect who wanted a Presbyterian Church similar to the one that had been achieved in Scotland! They also wanted to takeover the Church of England lock stock and barrel and they were more motivated than the Anglicans who didn't respond to the threats made till 1640/1. The Calvinists preparing since Elizabeth's time. Also by an enormous streak of good luck, the navy built up by Charles Ist, and complained about incessantly by the opposition, fell in to Parliament's hands at the beginning of the war! Finally and these are the major points. East Anglia and London the major places of industry and wealth supported the Parliament. Charles had to finance the war from the sale of his own goods and those of his supporters, Anglicans like Derby and Royalists such as Newcastle!
Ist das eine Raupe translates as is that a caterpillar.
Eine Mirabelle ist eine kleine, gelbe, süße Frucht. A mirabelle is a small, yellow, sweet fruit.
Liebe ist eine Rose was created on 1992-10-05.
This is a flag = Dies ist eine Fahne This is a flag = Dies ist eine Flagge
Was ist eine Straße? means what ís a street?
It means: "What is a colony?".
Eine warme Kartoffel ist ein warmes Bett was created in 1992.
er ist ein = he is a... (sentence fragment)
What is reactive sclerosis?
Es ist eine besondere
Eine neue Sprache ist eine neue Welt
das ist eine unpassende Frage