If you're asking whether any US Presidents were constitutionally ineligible to hold office, the answer is no.
Andrew Jackson
Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States, is the first to hold the post who is not white.
No, none were.
There hasn't been any presidents from Rhode Island, yet.
There were not any presidents born in MontanaRead more: Were_any_presidents_born_in_Montana
Andrew Jackson
No. None were black.
There haven't been any female US presidents.
No former US presidents currently live in Wisconsin.
President Hoover was an engineer qualified as a Mining engineer.
NO- there have not been any US presidents who have lived in Lousiana.
No US presidents ever went to Syracuse U.
No US presidents have been from Maryland.
yes infact there was some of our presidents who signed the us constitution.
Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States, is the first to hold the post who is not white.
Before he was President, George W. Bush was charged with DUI.
No, all the US presidents have been human.