The goverment had only one branch Apex (:
The federal military was not able to provide for national security
the federal government could not raise money by collecting taxes. apex
Delegates at the Constitutional Convention saw several weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation. One major weakness was the lack of a strong central government with the power to enforce laws and regulate commerce. Additionally, the Articles did not provide for a national judiciary or executive branch, making it difficult to resolve disputes between states or enforce national laws. The inability to levy taxes or raise a national army also hindered the effectiveness of the government under the Articles of Confederation.
The weakness in the Articles of Confederation was due to it's loose connection of the states, which gave the federal government little power such as the ability to tax. The Articles of Confederation weren't corrected instead The Constitution replaced it, which gave the federal government much more authority and power and strongly united the country.
The Articles of Confederation was the original U.S. Constitution which was ratified in 1781. Two of its weaknesses were its inability to levy taxes and regulate trade.
Before the United States Constitution, the Articles of Confederation were used to govern the United States. Their greatest weakness is that, under them, the Federal Government had no power. It could make laws and decisions, but it had no way to ensure that they were enforced.
what were the 7 weakness of the Articles of Confederation?
Shay's Rebellion - It exposed the weakness of the national government under the Articles of Confederation, showing the necessity of a strong central government, which was established under the Constitution.
Many of the delegates at the Philadelphia Convention argued for a stronger national government, as one of the weakness of the Articles of Confederation was that it created a weak national government. The Constitutional Convention was held in 1787.
Congress couldn’t pass laws because state representatives did not always attend congressional sessions, so the constitution made it a crime for legislators to skip sessions of congress.
The government only had one branch.
The delegates to the Constitutional Convention believed that the flaws in the Articles of Confederation were two numerous and two deep to be remedied by making superficial changes to the document. The biggest issue in the delegates' opinion was the weakness of the federal government under the Articles of Confederation. As a result, in the US Constitution of 1789, the federal government has many more expanded powers.
Under the Articles the Government was not able to regulate trade and levy taxes. In the Constitution they were given that power.
It did not give the central government enough power
The Annapolis Convention began on September 11, 1786. The delegates met at the suggestion of James Madison to discuss some problems with trade issues. The meeting highlighted some of the problems with the weakness of the Articles of Confederation.
i thought it was that James Madison made up the Virginia plan because he thought it was better. Then the delegates saw that the plan would be better if revised so both sides of the conflict gets what they want.
It did not give the central government enough power
The Constitutional ConventionThe Constitutional Convention met in Philadelphia in 1787 and drafted the United States Constitution. The convention was called because the federal government established by the Articles of Confederation was considered to be too weak to effectively deal with the states' issues. Officially, the purpose of the convention was to revise the Articles of Confederation. Many feel that this was a drastic understatement, and that the real goal of many of its key proponents was to replace the Articles of Confederation and create a strong federal government.The result of the convention was the U.S. Constitution, which was signed by 38 delegates on the final day of the convention, and ratified by most of the states during the following year.The key issues regarded Congressional representation and slavery. The "Great Compromise" was a bicameral legislature -- two houses of Congress where the states would have equal representation in the Senate, but proportional representation in the House of Representatives. Regarding slavery, Congress did not have the power to abolish slavery but would get the power to end the slave trade beginning in 1808. The three-fifths compromise meant that 3 of every 5 slaves would be counted when apportioning a state's representation in the House of Representatives.George Washington was unanimously elected president of the convention. Benjamin Franklin was considered the sage of the convention, the elder statesman who helped calm tempers and bring about the compromises.In the summer of 1787, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, some of the most important decisions in the history of the United States were made. During this time, the Philadelphia (or Constitutional) Convention was held; a secret meeting that hosted 55 delegates from twelve of the thirteen colonies (excluding Rhode Island) where they discussed and eventually derived the Constitution in order to replace the preceding Articles of Confederation because of their weakness of federal power. The Pennsylvania State House, currently known as Independence Hall, had become the center of debate for nearly four months.In the summer of 1787, the Constitutional Convention hosted a committee of delegates from the 13 colonies appointed to write the constitution. Led by James Madison and Alexander Hamilton, this secret meeting took place in the Pennsylvania State House, currently known as Independence Hall. Delegates from all thirteen colonies were invited to this meeting to discuss the Articles of Confederation and how it could be strengthened. 55 delegates showed up, none from Rhode Island. Instead of following the original idea of strengthening the Articles of Confederation, the Philadelphia Convention quickly turned into a complete abandonment of the Articles and took up the creation of the Constitution.
creating the three branches of government