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Number one is Israel, mostly militarily. Second is Egypt, which is pretty much for what ever Egypt wants to use it for, and it is basically a bribe or " payment" to Egypt for helping keep stability in the middle Egypt, by keeping a hostile policy towards radical jihadists, and being the only Arab nation to have their leader fly to Israel, in the attempt to increase peaceful relations. That president was later assassinated in his own Egypt by a terrorist group. Before Marabak was appointed to the position by the military. America giver aid to the afghan, and Iraqi gov. They train the help train the Philippines armed forces, and give aid to many countries, that either are a democracy showing parallels to the U.S's views. Or nations that are looked at strategically by the state department. Believe it or not but the U.S gave a lot of money before North Korea became Nuclear armed, to " aid the people" but the gov of North Korea ended up using it to create it's nuclear weapon. And soley because of that, when ever North Korea pulls of a violent action, the South is very careful, and to my knowledge never reacts, in the fear of the firearm/artillery fight leading to nuclear war. In conclusion, the US gives aid TO A LOT OF COUNTRIES.

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12y ago

Norway gives away more aid as a percentage of GDP than any other country in the world.

However, Norway's GDP is so much smaller than the United States' that the United States blows them away in terms of the actual amount given.

And Luxembourg is ahead of both if you divide the amount given by the number of people in the country (per capitagiving).

So it depends on what metric you use.

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12y ago

This is a little complicated, because it depends on what exactly you count as "aid" and what metric you use.

In terms of total amount, it's almost certainly the US no matter what definition you use for "aid." As a percentage of GNP, however, Norway is far ahead of the US, and I've seen figures indicating that in terms of per capita giving, Luxembourg is the winner (which makes some sense, since it's a very small country with a very high standard of living).

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11y ago

support struggling democracies and countries that are critical to foreign policy objectives.

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Q: What Country gives most foreign aid?
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Foreign aid is paid for by the taxpayers of the country providing the aid.

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The country that gives International aid is UK.

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A disadvantage of foreign aid to a developing country might be the amount of money used for foreign aid when domestic aid is needed. It can be known up front if the aid will benefit the developing country.

What is foreign aid?

Foreign aid is help such as economic or military assistance provided by one country to another.

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Foreign Aid is when, after a disaster etc.., a foreign country gets involved in humanitarian issues to help the foreign country (ex. The United States helping Haiti after the earthquake.)

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I think it may well be an African country. But why cant i get a straight answer from anyone,

What is the key term aid mean?

Foreign Aid is when, after a disaster etc.., a foreign country gets involved in humanitarian issues to help the foreign country (ex. The United States helping Haiti after the earthquake.)

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Which Country Gives Cuba Aid?

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