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the Constitution

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Q: What Document Explains The Duties of each branch of government?
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What documents explains the duties of each branch of government?

The duties of each branch of government are primarily explained in the United States Constitution. Specifically, Article I outlines the powers and duties of the legislative branch (Congress), Article II details the powers and duties of the executive branch (President), and Article III outlines the powers and duties of the judicial branch (Supreme Court and other federal courts). Additionally, the Federalist Papers, written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay, provide further insight into the intentions and roles of each branch.

What branch of government explains laws?


What is the leislative branch?

the legislative branch of the US government proposes. explains and makes the laws.

What branch of government performs ceremonial duties?

Marine Corps

What branch of government carries out the nation's laws?

The Judicial branch. The Judiciary explains and applies the laws.

What are The duties and structure of the executive branch are found in?

The duties and structure of the executive branch of government are found in the US Constitution. More specifically they are defined in Article 2 of the Constitution.

What system gives each branch of government its own duties?


What branch of government addresses the duties of the federal court system?


The constitution holds the president responsible for carrying out the duties of what branch of government?


What are the duties of the branch?

the duties of the branch is to carry out the laws

What document is each branch of the US government sworn to uphold?

The US Constitution

How are the powers of the judicial branch unique among the three branches of government?

the judicial branch explains the laws, while the legistive branch makes them and executive enforces