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1) Resign from office.

Richard M. Nixon is the only U.S. President to resign (1974).

2) Be impeached (indicted), tried, and convicted.

Contrary to popular opinion, impeachment is only indictment, not conviction and removal from office.

Two U.S. Presidents have been impeached: Andrew Johnson (1868) and William Jefferson Clinton (1998); neither was convicted.

The President may be impeached by the House only for "treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors", and then be tried and convicted by at least 2/3 of the Senate "members present", with the Chief Justice of the U.S. presiding; once convicted, the President would therefore be removed from office and replaced by the Vice President -- Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution of the United States of America, combined with Article I, Section 2, last clause, and Article I, Section 3, last two clauses.

Impeachment is further restricted by Article II, Section 2, first clause and Article III, Section 2, last clause.

If convicted, the person would be barred from holding "any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States" -- Article I, Section 3, last clause and Article II, Section 4.

Once convicted, removed from office, and barred from further office, the Senate can do nothing more to that person; however, "the party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law" -- Article I, Section 3, last clause.

House impeachment and Senate trial proceedings may also be applied to the "Vice President and all civil officers of the United States" -- Article II, Section 4.

No majority fraction for the House to impeach is stated in the Constitution, so this would simply be at least 1/2; however, the House is permitted to modify this by voting its own rules for impeachment.

3) Die in office.

Eight Presidents of the U.S. have died in office: William Henry Harrison (pneumonia and pleurisy, 1841), Zachary Taylor (gastroenteritis, 1850), Abraham Lincoln (shot, 1865), James A. Garfield (shot, 1885), William McKinley, Jr. (shot, then by gangrene, 1901), Warren G. Harding (heart attack or stroke, unconfirmed, 1923), Franklin Delano Roosevelt (cerebral hemorrhage, 1945), and John F. Kennedy (shot, 1963). Each of these were succeeded by their Vice Presidents, as specifed by the Constitution.

So four assassination attempts on sitting Presidents have succeeded: Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, and Kennedy.

Various assassination attempts and presumed plots against U.S. Presidents have occurred. There have been over 20 known attempts to kill sitting and former Presidents, as well as

Two Presidents were shot, but survived the assassination attempts: Theodore Roosevelt (wounded, 1912, out of office; although shot, he insisted on giving his speech, also on not having doctors remove the bullet, as this had contributed to the death of McKinley) and Ronald Reagan (wounded, 1981).

Seven Presidents have been shot at, but missed: Andrew Jackson (twice, 1835), Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933), Harry S Truman (1950), Gerald R. Ford (twice, 1973), Jimmy Carter (1979, out of office, foiled shooting plot), William J. Clinton (1994), and George W. Bush (2001).

One Presidential nominee was the target of a shooting plot: Barack H. Obama (2008).

Two Presidential candidates were shot: Robert F. Kennedy (1968, killed) and George Wallace (1972, wounded).

Four Presidents were the targets of failed bombing attacks: Richard M. Nixon (1974), George H. W. Bush (1993), Bill Clinton (1994), and George W. Bush (2005).

Two Presidents were the targets of failed plane attacks: Richard M. Nixon (1974) and Bill Clinton (1994).

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Die. Not be re-elect or end of term. Impeachment.

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Charges of impeachment

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