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The First Amendment has been fully incorporated through the application of the Fourteenth Amendment, under the doctrine of "selective incorporation." Gitlow v. New York, (1925) was the first case that applied a First Amendment Clause to the states.

The First, Second, Fourth and Sixth are the only Amendments the US Supreme Court has fully incorporated, as of 2010.

Case Citation:

Gitlow v. New York, 268 US 652 (1925)

First Amendment (incorporated)

  • Everson v. Board of Education, 330 US 1 (1947) clarified the Establishment Clause.
  • Cantwell v. Connecticut, 310 US 296 (1940) held that the state couldn't impose restrictions on religious grounds.
  • Gitlow v. New York, 268 US 652 (1925) held that the Fourteenth Amendment required the States to adhere to the First Amendment.
  • Near v. Minnesota, 283 US 697 (1931) held that the Minnesota "gag law" violated freedom of the press.
  • De Jonge v. Oregon, 299 US 353 (1937) held that Oregon's criminal syndicalism law was unconstitutional.
  • NAACP v. Alabama, 357 US 449 (1958) Used Due Process Clause of Fourteenth Amendment to establish the right to expressive association, which is not specifically mentioned in the First Amendment.

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Polygamy is not in any amendment, it was outlawed by a Supreme Court decision.

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No it can't. The only way to overturn a supreme court decision is either another supreme court decision, or a constitutional amendment.

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No. Slavery was abolished by the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution in a joint effort between Congress and the states that ratified the amendment. A constitutional amendment is more powerful than a US Supreme Court decision, because it is not subject to change by the Supreme Court.

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A U. S. president cannot reverse a U. S. Supreme Court decision or the decision of the Supreme Court of any state or territory.

Which constitutional amendments are not incorporated?

The Seventh Amendment is not incorporated, and the Third and Eighth Amendments are only partially incorporated. The Third Amendment was upheld by the Second Circuit, making the Amendment binding on Connecticut, New York and Vermont, only. The Circuit Court decision has persuasive value for the other Circuits, but does not set a binding precedent on them.The Second Amendment was recently incorporated when the US Supreme Court released its decision in McDonald v. Chicago,561 US ___ (2010) on June 28, 2010.For more information, see Related Questions, below.

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The Supreme Court's decision is final, it cannot be "revived" and reheard. However a constitutional amendment that changes the relevant parts of the Constitution would supersede the Supreme Court's decision.

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Yes, the US Supreme Court incorporated the Second Amendment right to bear arms to the States on June 28, 2010, when they released their decision for the case McDonald v City of Chicago, (2010).

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5, 6, and 14.

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Sometimes. If the Supreme Court decision interprets a statute or common law, it can be overturned by a legislative statute to the contrary. However, if the Supreme Court decision is interpreting constitutional law, a constitutional amendment would be required to overturn the decision.

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