All of them were, or they wouldn't be amendments. There may be one or two with unclear histories.
Eighteen Amendment
It was ratified in 1781.
This amendment delays the enaction of salary changes for US Senators or Representatives, in that any changes will not go into effect until after the next Congressional election.It was submitted in 1789, but only ratified in 1992, more than 202 years later.Text of the AmendmentNo law, varying the compensation for the services of the Senators and Representatives, shall take effect, until an election of Representatives shall have intervened.
15th amendement
The 27th amendment, which was finally ratified in 1992.
The Volstead Act provided enforcement
Eighteen Amendment
The blacks
The first amendement in the constitution is religious and political freedom. Which consists of the freedom of: *religion--worshiping *speech--stating ideas *the press--publishing ideas *assembly--meeting peacefully *to petition--protesting the government This Amendment was established in 1791 .
18th amendment.
The 18th Amendment
It prohibited the manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcohol.