You have alternatives when there is more than one possibility and you can choose between at least two things.
Without the alternatives we cannot answer
Confederations and unitary governments are among the alternatives to federalism. Unitary systems have one centralized governing body while in confederations, the state governments dominate over the less strict central government.
Because of how healthy the crops were compared to other unhealthy alternatives
By ensuring the separation of powers, fedralism and ensuring that the public have the means to provid alternatives to the government and by voting to pass or strike down legislation.
yall suck on here I cant find any of the answers
list of alternatives
Alternatives was founded in 1994.
what are alternatives for food additives?
Wells and cisterns are alternatives to aqueducts.
The School Of Alternatives was created in 2002.
Competitive Alternatives was created in 1996.
"three alternatives". "alternative" was one of two choices - and that "three alternatives" was a contradiction in terms.
Carrots are good alternatives for vitamin c.
Obscure Alternatives was created in 1978-10.
No there isn't any healthy alternatives to steroids
Nonsurgical alternatives to LASIK are contact lenses and eyeglasses