The five facts about the world is Global warming Climate change Endangered animals Pollution Credit crunch Lauren 12
Prior to that sentence in the declaration of independence, statements were made about the nature of government, where it derives its authority from, its relationship with mankind and how mankind usually and should respond to its actions. They made the claim that the current government of England had overstepped it's bounds. "To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world" essentially is saying to prove our point, we're going to put down some facts on paper about what the King of England has done and let the world view this and judge for themselves whether or not we're right or wrong. They then list all of their grievances with King George.
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Facts speak to what occurred, whereas interpretations speak to the meaning of what occurred.
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Some interesting facts about Armenia include it is smaller than Maryland and it produces grapes as well as diamonds for export.
The CIA World Factbook has up-to-date facts on Japan. The World Almanac also has facts on Japan.
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The five facts about the world is Global warming Climate change Endangered animals Pollution Credit crunch Lauren 12
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The philosopher who wrote the statement "The world is the totality of facts, not of things" is Ludwig Wittgenstein in his work "Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus". Wittgenstein argues that the world consists of states of affairs or facts rather than individual objects or things.
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