Wooden club, snakes, twin pillars... he doesn't have a symbol, really. Although he is an immortal, he does not represent something the way the gods and titans do.
I am doing a scrapbook on Washington,D.C. I need some ideas for symbols of America. I was looking for fresh ideas.
There were many Texas symbols. For instance, The lone Star Flags, Texas Blubonet, seal of the republic of Texas, State seal of Texas, and more.
What are the symbols for the Judicial, Executive, and Legislative Branch of government?
The symbols for the two American political party are, the elephant and the donkey, the elephants represent the Republicans and the donkey represents the Democrats.
Is it true that the White House belong to the president?
Herakles - film - was created in 1962.
The cast of Herakles - 1962 includes: Reinhard Lichtenberg as himself
The name Herakles is of Greek origin. It means "the glory of Hera".
Herakles was originally Greek, however Roman religion adopted him and adjusted to make him fit into there religion.
Hebe is.
Because Thespius wanted to have strong grandchildren. Strong like Herakles. They should have fought against king Minos and his army. Herakles was horny young man, so he did not have any problems with sex with 50 girls.
Nothing. He is a Greek demigod and hero.
Ͱηρακλης = Herakles
Hebe's marriage to Herakles brought about friendship between Herakles and Hera. She was also goddess of youth and could make old young again.