hurricanes and stuff like that... then there are lots of old ppl so they need mone for retirement homes and stuff like that... and there NFL football team isn't very good...
The job of the Cabinet is to advise the president and perform daily duties so that the president does not have to micromanage.
This is jweezy telling you that major parties will steal the minor parties ideas to get the success of the minor parties and their voters. They will study and recognize the importance of their issues and then claim that the same issue that was grabbing major attention was one of the major issues of their campaign, smh poiticians hacch spiou
The most important issues in different fields that are being faced today varies. One issue that is common is the lack of available positions.
There have been many disagreements that have occurred between the three branches of government about important issues that have come up throughout history. Two of these issues include the declaration of war and the national deficit.
the political issues in the civil war was that the southerners wanted to spread slavery to the united states hence the was a difference in political ideology
It is a major cash crop.
The major port city in Southern Florida is Miami.
Three major international issues during Jefferson's presidency were the Louisiana purchase, the Barbary War, and his attempt at acquiring Florida and Haiti. The Louisiana Purchase was successful, the Barbary War with the northern Barbary states of Africa was also successful, but Jefferson had trouble with the acquisition of Florida.
Three major international issues during Jefferson's presidency were the Louisiana purchase, the Barbary War, and his attempt at acquiring Florida and Haiti. The Louisiana Purchase was successful, the Barbary War with the northern Barbary states of Africa was also successful, but Jefferson had trouble with the acquisition of Florida.
Near the entrance of the cavern that is the centerpiece of Florida Caverns State ... The caverns are a major draw to the 1,340-acre park.
23 hours and 47 minutes without stops or major traffic issues.
There are many important environmental issues. Four major ones would beGlobal climate changeDesertificationSpecies lossOverpopulation
what are the major athletes on the florida marlins
One major city in Florida is Miami.
The issues that was faced with foreign nations that I think that was most important were the disputes over southern border with spanish florida and the monroe doctrine that warned european powers not to interfere with Americans.
The issues that was faced with foreign nations that I think that was most important were the disputes over southern border with spanish Florida and the monroe doctrine that warned european powers not to interfere with Americans.
The Florida Keys