1. Government policies reflect the wishes of the people
2. Government leaders are elected
3. Elections are free and fair
4. People participate in the political process
5. People have access to credible political information
6. The majority rules
Popular Sovereignty and Limited Government are related because they are part of the six basic principles of the Constitution. Popular sovereignty in the United States was one part of the limited government system used before the Civil War.
popular sovereignty
popular sovereignty
Popular Sovereignty is a government in which the common people rule.
popular sovereignty
Popular Sovereignty and Limited Government are related because they are part of the six basic principles of the Constitution. Popular sovereignty in the United States was one part of the limited government system used before the Civil War.
Popular Sovereignty and Limited Government are related because they are part of the six basic principles of the Constitution. Popular sovereignty in the United States was one part of the limited government system used before the Civil War.
popular sovereignty
popular sovereignty
The six ideas are: Popular Sovereignty, Federalism, Republicanism, Separation of Powers, Checks and Balances, and Limited Government.
Popular Sovereignty and Limited Government are related because they are part of the six basic principles of the Constitution. Popular sovereignty in the United States was one part of the limited government system used before the Civil War.
Popular sovereignty is important to a republic. The main principle of popular sovereignty is that the government is created by the people for the people.
Popular Sovereignty
Because popular sovereignty is part of the government and when they elect the leader they needed popular sovereignty right that is why an important.
Popular Sovereignty is a government in which the common people rule.
popular sovereignty
Popular sovereignty means people have a voice in the government and this means they have a voice to vote in the government