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knowing each other's roles

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Q: What are some conflicts between state and national government?
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The Supremacy Clause of the Constitution is meant to resolve conflicts between what?

national and state governments

What are the National government's obligation to the states?

The national government is obligated to support the state governments in case of an emergency in that state. The national government also should no infringe on state powers.It divides power between a National Government and State governments. The obligation of the National Government to protect the States against invasion.

What are the national governments obligations to the state's?

The national government is obligated to support the state governments in case of an emergency in that state. The national government also should no infringe on state powers.It divides power between a National Government and State governments. The obligation of the National Government to protect the States against invasion.

A government in which powers are divided between a national government and state government with the national government being supreme is called?

Federal Government

How does the supremacy clause resolve conflicts between national and state law?

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What are the national governments obligations to the states?

The national government is obligated to support the state governments in case of an emergency in that state. The national government also should no infringe on state powers.It divides power between a National Government and State governments. The obligation of the National Government to protect the States against invasion.

What makes the US a federalist government?

Power is divided between the national and state governmentsPower is divided between the national and state governments.

What is the principle of the powers between the national government and the state government called?


What is the power between national government and state government called?

the legislative branch

What kind of government divide the power between the state and national government?


What are the states obligations to the states governments?

The national government is obligated to support the state governments in case of an emergency in that state. The national government also should no infringe on state powers.It divides power between a National Government and State governments. The obligation of the National Government to protect the States against invasion.

What is the sharing powers between the state and national government?
