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Declare, Necessary, One people

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โˆ™ 4y ago

ugh why don't you just ask some one smart.

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Q: What are some examples of loaded words in the Declaration of Independence?
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The words are from the Declaration of Independence.

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It is The Declaration of Independence.

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What are the best-know words of the declaration of independence?

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Why does thomas Jefferson choose to end the declaration of independence with these words?

To show the depth of the colonists' commitment to independence

What are the examples of ethos pathos in declaration of independence?

The whole Declaration is written in declaratvie style, as characterized by the emphatic use of words like SHALL and WILL.

Is Declaration of Independence a noun?

Yes, the words declaration of independence alone are a noun, I believe. However, if one were to say "The United States Declaration of Independence," it would become a proper noun and therefore capitalized. I realize that to America, our Declaration of Independence is the only document of its kind and therefore is considered only a proper noun, but to other countries, it is not the same. It is a regular noun. When speaking of our document, they refer to it as the American Declaration of Independence.

Words that start with dec?

declaration of Independence deck the halls with balls of holly

Whose last public words 'Independence Forever' were his toast for the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the Declaration of Independence?

John Adams