"I came here, where freedom is being defended, to serve it, and to live or die for it."
some quotes like "don't shoot till you see the whites of their eyes" was a famous one said by general Burgoyne,
benardo de galvez was one indivitual that was a key ally to the patriots.indivitual foreigners also fought for the patriots. they gave the patroits money also tadusz kosciuszko and kazimierz Pulaski came to America from Poland kosciuszko brought army engineering skills to the war effort and pulaski helped train calavry units
THE most famous in history: "Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country." Quoted by President John F. Kennedy in 1961 his inaugural speech that was written for him by emminent economist and Harvard professor John Kenneth Galbraith.
Ah, James W. Fannin was a brave man known for his leadership in the Texas Revolution. While he may not have had famous quotes like some other historical figures, his actions and dedication to his cause speak volumes about his character and courage. Sometimes, it's not just the words we say, but the deeds we do, that leave a lasting impression on the world.
Some of Edmund Randolph quotes are used even up to date. One of the most popular quotes that he said is, ÒKindness makes the difference between passion and caring. Kindness is love, perhaps greater than love; kindness is goodwill, kindness says I want you to be happy. Kindness comes very close to the benevolence of God.
Casimir Pulaski was a Polish military commander known as the "father of the American cavalry". He helped fight in the American Revolutionary War, after being exiled from Poland. He was wounded at the Battle of Savannah, and he died soon after.
quotes about ned kelly
i don'tknow
One of Texas famous is 'This is our land'.
Thomas Paine, Parliament of Great Britain, Patrick Henry, Paul Revere, Pennsylvania, Battle of Princeton, prisoners and Casimir Pulaski are Revolutionary War words.
"I am loyal and you are traitors!"
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world" is one of his most famous quotes.
One of Wesley's most famous quotes is, "Earn all you can, save all you can, give all you can."
He ment that he made up some of hes own quotes
Here are some quotes
he likes purple
"Some famous celebrity quotes includes one that I am most familiar with: ""Hasta la vista, baby"" in the movie Terminator, said by Arnold Schwarzenegger."