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There are many such cultural practices :-


Celebration of Birthdays

Shopping for Festivals

Praying before meals

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Q: What are some of the common cultural practices found in different cultures?
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Which of the following statements about political maps are true?

A: they are the most common type of map B: they will show capital cities, major cities, and large lakes or rivers D: they may show how areas are broken into countries and states

Why was it so difficult for Hapsburg's to rule their lands?

Their Empire did not have a homogenous population, but it was a collection of various peoples with different cultural and religious backrounds, speaking many different languages and often fiercely nationalistic. The only thing they had in common was that they had the same person for a King or Emperor. The fact that the country was renamed in the 19th century from 'Austria" to 'Austria-Hungary" is one indication that many of the population groups did hardly consider themselves as integral part of a greater union.

How were the puritan congregations different from the church of England?

They rejected everything in the Church of England's practices that in their view too much reflected its Catholic roots, and they were leaning to a much more 'Calvinist" form of Protestantism. In their services they therefore didn't use the Anglican Book of Common Prayer, did not use any priestly vestments, nor did they kneel during service or make the sign of the cross as the Anglicans then still did.

How are common sense and the declaration of induependence alike. and ow are they different?

they both wanted freedom

Why was it common for explorers to work for kings and queens of different countries?

because they were powerful

Related questions

What is cultural generality?

- Regularities that occur in different times and places but not in all cultures.

What is the link between communication and culture that reinforce cultural beliefs and behaviour?

the link between communication and culture that reinforces cultural beliefs and behavior is that culture its self is accumulated knowledge that is learned and passed through generations. different cultures demonstrates different beliefs and behaviors that are learnt and and practiced by the young generations. different cultures communicate different life style, health practices, religious beliefs that are copied and practiced hence a certain behavior is common in different cultural groups.

What is independent invention mean in anthropology?

Independent invention in anthropology refers to the process by which different cultures or societies develop similar cultural traits or practices without direct contact or influence from one another. It suggests that common ideas or technologies may emerge independently in various societies due to similar environmental or societal circumstances. This concept challenges the notion that all cultural traits are transmitted through diffusion or the direct transfer of ideas between cultures.

What have to balance values from two different cultural heritages?

When balancing values from two different cultural heritages, it's important to acknowledge and respect the beliefs, practices, and traditions of both cultures. It may be helpful to find common ground between the two sets of values and adapt a hybrid approach that integrates aspects of both cultures. Effective communication, open-mindedness, and willingness to learn from each heritage are key in navigating this balance.

What is responsible for cultural convergence?

Cultural convergence occurs when different cultures become more unified. The process occurs from reading similar books, watching the same shows, and sharing common languages.?æ

What cultural groups are most common in your area?

Since we don't know what "your area" might be, we can't really answer this for you. You'll need to do some research and see what different cultures live where you do.

What cultures used snakes in art?

Snakes are most common in mesoamerican cultural art, though they are a staple of almost all ancient cultural arts.

What is generality?

Cultural generalities are practices and beliefs that are common with more then one culture but is not common among all. An example would be nuclear family.

What different people contributed to the cultures of Spain and Portugal?

There so many different people who contributed to the cultures of Spain and Portugal. The ancient Romans are common factor that influenced the two cultures significantly.

What is the phrase used to describe an idea or way of doing things that is common in certain cultures?

Cultural trait or custom

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One common theme in Sujata Bhatt's poetry is the exploration of identity and displacement. She often delves into the complexities of cultural heritage, language, and belonging in her poems. These themes are frequently reflected through vivid imagery and the juxtaposition of different cultures.

What does culture convergence mean?

Cultural convergence is when the similarities between different cultures in the same nation are driven by global and common brands. The similarities are with aspects like consumer preferences, beliefs, aspirations, and values.