Some places that are similar to the ancient forum are shopping malls, flea markets, farmer's markets, city civic centers where public buildings are located, and office buildings.
The first modern place that comes to mind is a shopping mall followed by a city's "downtown" area. A civic center could also be included. However, no modern equivalent is available, as a forum was also a place where news was posted and people met to transact business. and hear political speeches. Nowadays we get our news and politics from the electronic media and do business in the privacy of offices.
None because modern cities are completely different. The Romans had two types of forum. The forum civilium and the forum venalium. The former was the civic centre and the latter was a commercial forum, or market. Therefore, the forum civilium was a bit like a city centre. However, its features were very different than those of a modern city centre. The forum civilium had a senate house, a meeting place for the assembly of the people, an area for public speeches, the courts, the offices of the administrators, important temples and basilicae (public buildings). The forum in Rome also had the tabularium (public records office), the aerarium (the treasury) and the regia, the residence of the Ponifex Maximus, the head of Roman state religion.
The forum was also the place where the elections of the officers of state were held and where trials were held.
because the people didnt know how to bulit back in da time when there was cave mam-LoL
In many places and in many times "No Man's Land" was a dangerous area because of either harsh conditions or that it was guarded carefully. One modern example of a no man's land is the Demilitarized Zone between North and South Korea.
It is because....In the past, most measuring was done by one craftsman that completed the entire project. In modern times, many parts are made in different places and then assembled in a different place yet. With this piecemeal and often global assembly, it is important to have accurate and universal measurements. from: @IyzIzati
Hindus commonly conduct their worships in three common places: in their temples, at home and or outdoor public places. This can depend on where a Hindu wishes to do the worship.
Marvels superhero Thor was based on the Norse god Thor. This has brought Norse gods and places into the modern society
Yes in tribal communities and the third world where modern ideas have not influenced them and rural places like China and Russia and Africa.
No, with the special effects we have in our modern film society, you can have one actor, and film it twice with the actor in fifferent places.
There are many places where one can find information about building society mortgages. Citizensinformation and Nationwide would be such places on the internet.
Some places allow you to donate it for recycling purposes.
The address of the Tazewell County Historic Places Society is: 2950 Court Street, Pekin, IL 61554
it is very remote
"Israelite" refers to the tribes of ancient Israel and any related persons, places, and/or objects (and other such similar contexts). "Israeli" refers to a citizen of modern day Israel.
Pilgrims are people who travel to holy places for religious purposes.
As of today (May 22, 2011), you will have to get The Curse of Monkey Island at Ebay or similar places. You will also need Scumm VM, a free program, in order to play the game on modern computers.