Operational Support - monitoring activities within a business, recording the data then acting upon the data
Analysis - Analysing information then taking actions
Decision Making- information hugely supports decision making!
Gaining Commercial Advantage - gaining advantage commercially, e.g. putting the world cup on in a pub and employing more staff at the time to make more money.
Purposes for reading can change while your reading. It can change from the original task for reading being to obtain information to the information becoming intresting to you and entertaining.
Public purposes
all taxes must be used for public purposes, not private purposes
Two purposes of a World's Fair are to celebrate great achievements and to address important challenges facing humanity.
to serve as a organization to give information when people around the world need it for special purposes
Information used for law enforcement purposes
numerical information gathered for statistical purpose
Information used for law enforcement purposes
Organizations need information so as to be able to operate. Information is essential for purposes of planning and forecasting in an organization.
For the purposes of communicating information.
An organised scheme for disseminating information, often misleading.
The main disadvantage of integrated accounts is that a single system is used to provide information both for external and internal reporting requirements. The need to provide information for statutory purposes may influence the quality of information which can be made available for management purposes. For example, it may be more useful for management purposes to have inventory valued on a LIFO basis. However, this would not be acceptable for external reporting purposes and the latter requirement may prevail to the detriment of management information
critical information
to give off information about someone or something