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its ideal for testing demographic variables which cannot be manipulated. like a non-experimental design it doesn't require much to collect data, but just merely shows effects of a presence or absence of an Independent variable on a Dependent variable.
it cannot acquire as much data as an experimental design, the levels of the "IV" are already established. If anything it tries to be an experimental design but it cannot.

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Q: What are the advantages and disadvantages of ex post facto research?
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What is expost facto research?

Ex post facto is Latin for "after the fact". In terms of research it is a design in which research is done after the thing which is to be researched has occurred without any influence by the researcher.

Difference between interin evaluation and ex post facto evaluation?

Ex Post Facto Evaluation : Measurement of value of research after the research is done. Prior or Interim Eveluation : Measurement of value of research which is done before starting the research or doing the measurement at intermediate stages during the research..

Definition of ex post facto research?

Ex post facto research is a type of research design that investigates relationships between variables after they have occurred. In this design, the researcher does not have control over the independent variables, as they are pre-existing. The study is observational and looks for correlations or causality between variables that have already taken place in the past.

What is the difference between experimental and ex post facto research?

Ex-post facto research measures the cause and effect relationship without manipulating the independent variable. While the experimental research starts from manipulating and controlling the independent variables and proceeds to observing the effect on the dependent variables.

What is the difference between experimental and ex post facto research design?

Ex-post facto research measures the cause and effect relationship without manipulating the independent variable. While the experimental research starts from manipulating and controlling the independent variables and proceeds to observing the effect on the dependent variables.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of expost factor?

ex-post factor

What is the Latin phrase for retrospective action?

ex post facto ex post facto

What is Latin for after the fact?

I believe it's "ex post facto."

A retroactive criminal law is called a?

Ex post facto law

What is the difference between ex post facto approval and post facto approval?

Ex-ost-facto means the rules applicable at the time of before the happenings for which which approval sought and post-facto means the rules applicable at the time after the happenings for which the approval is sought.

What is ex post facoto?

I think you mean ex post facto, which is latin for "after the fact" I think you mean ex post facto, which is latin for "after the fact"

Ano ba ibig sabihin ng ex post facto law?

EX POST FACTO - A term used to designate action taken to change the effect given to a set of circumstances. This action relates back to a prior time, and imposes this new effect upon the same set of circumstances that existed at the time of the occurrence.When referring to law or legislation, establishing ex post facto laws is prohibited by the U.S. Constitution.In scientific terms it could refer to research conducted into a particular phenomenon conducted AFTER it has taken place.Ex post facto research is the process beginning with a phenomenon and going backward in time to identify casual factors."The term ""Ex Post Facto, in simple English, means ""After the Fact"", or in other words, retroactive. In criminal law, it can mean that laws cannot be applied retroactively."after the fact answers about what happened to the measured variable