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there are alot of advantages but of them is fast reflexes.

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Q: What are the advantages of conciseness?
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What is conciseness in communication?

Conciseness in writing means to eliminate wordy expression, include only relevant information and avoid unnecessary repitition.

Which of the following are characteristics of exposition?

Clarity, Coherence, Completeness, and Conciseness.

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conciseness completeness clarity convincing correctness

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conciseness objectors ( conchies )

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Correctness, clarity, conciseness and color.

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Clarity Conciseness Courtesy Consideration Cheerfulness Correctness Character Concreteness

What are the five tools word provides for creating polished documents?

correctness, conciseness, clarity, emphasis, diction

What is principle of conciseness?

The principle of conciseness means communicating ideas clearly and effectively using as few words as necessary. It involves avoiding unnecessary information or repetition, and presenting information in a straightforward and easily digestible manner. It helps to ensure that the message is clear, focused, and easily understood by the audience.

What is conciseness or virtue?

Conciseness is the quality of being brief and to the point. It involves expressing ideas clearly and succinctly without unnecessary details. Virtue is a moral quality or trait that is considered good and desirable. It involves behaving in a way that is morally right and embodies positive values such as honesty, integrity, and kindness.

What is the literal meaning of brevity?

Shortness of duration; briefness of time; as, the brevity of human life., Contraction into few words; conciseness.

What is differene between completeness and conciseness?

Completeness helps people to get full information as required in detail. While consiceness helps one to understand the information easily since it's the information will be brief and straight to the point

What is concise communication?

Conciseness in writing means to eliminate wordy expression, include only relevant information and avoid unnecessary repitition.