A discussion of the pros and cons of having a dual court system instead of one unified national court system.
The delegates settled on a federal form of government instead of a system in which power was not divided between state and national government because they believed that it provided for a much stronger national government with a chief executive (the president), courts, and taxing powers.
Courts of Appeals is the intermediate-level federal court the courts of appeals is considered the workhorse of the court system.
Only federal Courts must have judges approved by the Senate - apex
The Federal Court of Appeals was established to make the judicial system more efficient. Having one step between the lower courts and the Supreme Court allows the Supreme Court to address issues of national importance in a more timely manner.
The Judiciary Act of 1789
A weakness of the Articles of Confederation
A weakness of the Articles of Confederation
No, the Articles of Confederation did not have a national court system. Moreover, under the Articles of Confederation, the Congress had limited power to regulate trade.
(in the U.S.) that would be a reference to the Federal Court System (e.g.: US District Courts - US Courts of Appeal - The Supreme Court of the US - etc).
a bureaucracy, system of national laws, courts, military and taxes system
Norwegian National Courts Administration was created in 2002.
National Center for State Courts was created in 1971.
If everyone had a different national court system each state would get a different punishmentstate courts might interpret laws differently, no federal system of appeals