$$$ = implementation
Fundamental rights are justiciable where as directive principles are not justiciable. The provision of directive priciple thus cannot be enforced in court of law.
Politics is usually people from the government. Policy is an written contract.
The policy used in trading with other countries is called the commercial policy. It is a set of rules and regulations used in trade between nations.
difference between general assembly and security council
the basic difference between policy and guideline is the policy is rules for whole org. and guideline is rule for execution of some work.
Yes, there is difference between policy and practice. A policy is rules, regulations and procedures that you should follow within a practice.
Policy statement is what you say you are going to do. Policy is what you do, which should be in line with the policy statement.
Program is the US spelling.Programme is the UK spelling.
the ability to organize.
What is the difference between Education framework and plicy.
Curriculum is to study. Program is to train.
The difference between a passive and an active dividend policy lies in the amount of time between dividend disbursement. In a passive dividend policy, dividends are given when the company decides it is time. With an active dividend policy, dividends are disbursed at regular intervals.
difference between audit program audit & note book