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1. The plain meaning of the words in the Constitution Adv. The court can base its decisions closest to how the Framers meant the Constitution to be interpreted. Dis. Not all questions are answered in the Constitution and there were disagreements on some meanings of words. 2. The intention of the framers Adv. It is most faithful to the ideas of the Constitution. Dis. It was really hard to determine what the Framers meant on some issues. There are no guidelines for the types of situations that did not exist when the Constitution was written. 3. The Constitution is based on some fundamental principles of government Adv. Uses the basic ideas of our government on basic principles and values. 4. Today's social values and needs Adv. They use more modern approaches that fit to our current culture. Dis. People opposed to methods 3 and 4 say that it gives the justices too much freedom to decide cases according to their own political and personal beliefs.

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Q: What are the four methods that justices might use to interpret the constitution and what are the advantages and disadvantages of each method?
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No. The president has no direct part in amending the Constitution. He can lobby for Constitutional changes and if given the opportunity, can nominate Supreme Court justices who may interpret the Constitution in ways that amount that amount to changes.

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There isn't one. Article 3 of the US Constitution enables the judiciary to interpret laws. That's why you have so many Justices in the Supreme Court who have varying views on how to interpret the Constitution. For example, Justice Scalia is known to be one who thinks the Constitution isn't flexible, while Ginsberg is generally for flexibility.

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Absolutely. Even US Supreme Court justices disagree with each other's interpretation of the Constitution, which is why there are seldom unanimous votes.While the President and members of Congress may disagree with certain Supreme Court decisions, the justices are the final arbiters of the Constitution. The other branches of government must abide by the Court's opinions.

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