There are several different types of flow charts. The main function of a flowchart is to see the steps and process of something from the beginning to the end.
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Any time you are comparing portions of a whole, and all the portions add up to 100% of the whole, a pie chart is the best way to go.
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A flow chart is a type of model, but not every model is a flow-chart.
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the structure chart differs from flow chart in these principle ways: 1- It is difficult to identify different modules of the software from its flow chart representation. 2- Data interchange among different modules is not represented in a flow chart. 3- sequential ordering of tasks inherited in a flow chart is suppressed in structure chart.
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Flow chart: - A flow chart is a symbolic representation of any process. Each step in the process is represented by a different symbol with a short description of the process. The flow chart symbols are linked together with arrows showing the process flow direction.There ate two types of flow charts1. Low level flow chart2. High level flow chart
A flow.
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