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Q: What are the impact of the policies on the government?
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Who usually implements government policies?

government agencies

How did Chinese philosophy during the Tang and Song dynasties impact Korean society?

Korean government officials based policies on Confucian principles.

What political organization directs the policies of government?

What political organisation directs the policies of government?"

The economic policies of the federal government from 1921 to 1929 were responsible for the nation's depression of the 1930's--assess the validity of this statement?

The economic policies of the federal government from 1921 to 1929 were not solely responsible for the nation's depression but had a large impact on it. For example, the federal government freely lent money to banks which in turned gave it to their customers.

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Harding favored pro-business government policies.

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What are the environmental factors affecting the development and practice of accounting in Nigeria and their impact?

poor graduates, low standard of our education and poor government policies

Who controls the government policies?

The three branches of government.

What are laws and goals that the government follows?

The laws and goals that a government follows are called public policies.

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Describe the roles of government bodies that determine national fiscal policies

Why was a shift in western strategy in china after the boxer rebellion was to?

The West attempted to gain the support of the Chinese government for their policies. They needed to improve relations so another rebellion didn't happen.gain the support of the Chinese government for their policies APEX:)

What are laws and goals that a government follows called?

public policies.