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The most basic way to determine how equal - or unequal, as the case may be - the genders are is to look at the difference in pay for the same job. For example: A man and a woman have the same education and perform the same job but for every dollar the man makes, the woman only makes sixty cents. In this case, the woman is facing a huge gender inequality. If the man and the woman had made the same amount, then there would be no inequality between the genders.

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What countries where gender inequalities exist?

All communities, cities, and civilizations have gender inequalities in one way or another. No matter where you go these things exist.

What are the causes of gender inequalities in Tanzania?

Patriarch system, socialization, gender roles or triple roles, classes

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The exposition and clarification of the politics of gender particulary of gender inequalities against women.

How are inequalities embedded in your society in all geographical areas?

Inequalities are embedded in society in all geographical areas, and in a number of different ways. For example there are inequalities in gender, in socioeconomic status, and in society's treatment of people of different races.

What are Feminism strengths and weaknesses?

Strong as enables women to write about women.Good at raising gender inequalities within society within women.

What is gender analysis?

Gender analysis is the process of examining how gender roles, norms, and power dynamics influence outcomes in different contexts. It aims to uncover how social expectations around femininity and masculinity shape individuals' opportunities, constraints, and experiences. Gender analysis is crucial for understanding and addressing inequalities and discrimination based on gender.

What is the main reason behind studying gender?

The main reason for studying gender is to understand how societal norms and expectations around femininity and masculinity impact individuals and shape social systems. It helps to expose inequalities, challenge stereotypes, and promote gender equality.

What does it gender based?

Gender-based refers to something that is influenced by or related to an individual's gender, whether male, female, or non-binary. This can include stereotypes, roles, discrimination, and inequalities that are based on societal expectations related to gender.

What is the gender order?

Gender order refers to the social construct that dictates how different genders are expected to behave and the roles they are supposed to occupy in society. It often reinforces traditional gender norms and inequalities, privileging certain genders over others. This system can perpetuate gender stereotypes and restrict individual expression and opportunities based on one's gender identity.

What has the author Kirrily Pells written?

Kirrily Pells has written: 'Poverty and gender inequalities' -- subject(s): Sex role, Poverty, Poor children

What is Marxian approaches to the study of women?

Marxian approaches to the study of women focus on examining how capitalism perpetuates gender inequalities by exploiting women's labor in both the workplace and the home. These approaches highlight the intersectionality of class and gender oppression, emphasizing the need for collective struggle to address systemic inequalities and promote women's liberation. Marxian feminists argue that true gender equality can only be achieved through the dismantling of capitalist structures that perpetuate patriarchy.

Sociologically why is gender especially significant?

Gender is significant sociologically because it is a key social factor that shapes identities, roles, and interactions within society. It influences social expectations, power dynamics, and inequalities. Understanding gender helps us analyze how social norms and institutions reinforce or challenge traditional gender norms.