1. agreement in belief and agreement in attitude
2. agreement in belief and disagreement in attitude.
3. agreement in attitude and disagreement in belief.
4. disagreement in belief and disagreement in attitude.
Almost single handed, Madison worked through the summer of 1789 to draft and secure agreement on the measure.
Check out the related links section for the history of symbolic logic. And traditional logic
The largest disagreement came on the issue regarding how states should be represented in congress. -T.$.K
executive agreement executive agreement
A peace agreement/treaty, a truce, a cease-fire agreement/treaty, ...
The word for lack of agreement is "disagreement."
"Co-" is the prefix for "agreement."
1. lack of consensus or approval 2. lack of consistency or correspondence
Disagreement, Dispute, Arguement :)
"No" is used to express disagreement while "Yes" is used to express agreement.
Eloise Pearson has written: 'Agreement and disagreement'
A treaty formalizes an agreement between to countries or parties putting it into writing so that there is no disagreement about the conditions of the agreement. It can not be broken, for it is an international agreement.
An agreement is where two or more people concur with an opinion, for example if I said that Wiki Answers is a good place to ask questions and you thought the same, we would be in agreement. Disagreement is the opposite of this, for example if I said that the world was flat, and you told me that it was round, we would be disagreeing.
Areas of agreement and disagreement between the United States and China
Straight Latin; pro; for, in agreement. Con; against, disagreement.
no.its just an agreement to not go with something or it.(disagreement)