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to show how white people have problems to, just like colored/different people. -MM

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Q: What are the main ideas expressed in The White Man's Burden?
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What phrase came to define the idea that white s should help civilize nonwhites?

white mans burden

The black mans burden was for what audience?

The audience for "The Black Man's Burden" include people who have some educational background and the imperialists.

What was another name of the white mans burden?

The civilizing mission

What was another name for white mans burden?

Another name for "white man's burden" was "civilizing mission."

What was the phrase 19th century British foreign policy?

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What is the rhyme scheme for white mans burden?

The rhyme scheme for the poem "The White Man's Burden" by Rudyard Kipling is ABAB CDCD EFEF GHGH.

What was the white mans burden during the Spanish American War?

A lack of resistance to tropical diseases.

What phrase came to define the idea that whites should help civilize?

white mans burden

What do social darwinism and white man's burden have in common?

Both ideas sought to justify imperialism and colonialism in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Social Darwinism argued that only the fittest societies would survive, legitimizing the dominance of Western empires. The White Man's Burden similarly justified Western colonization as a moral duty to civilize and uplift non-Western societies.

What was white mans burdan?

"White Man's Burden" was a poem by British poet Rudyard Kipling that expressed the idea that it was the duty of the white race to civilize and rule over people of other cultures. It reflected the imperialistic attitudes prevalent during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

What phrases came to define the idea that whites should help civilize nonwhites?

white mans burden

Summary of the white man's burden?

the white mans burden was about the u.s. wanting to improve and continue our growth and militarism so we were number one. And so we would not get our heads chopped off by Russian solders.