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dexondex.........the list include canada.....Belgium.....serbia and Montenegro..... Switzerland.......but most of the countries has there own definition for case of serbia and montenegro they've gained independence

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Q: What are the names of the countries that practice confederal system of government?
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What is a confederal constitution?

A confederal constitution is a political system where power is decentralized and individual states or regions retain significant autonomy. In a confederal system, the central government's authority is limited to specific areas agreed upon by the member states. This differs from a federal system, where power is shared between the central government and constituent states, and a unitary system, where power is concentrated at the national level. Examples of confederal systems include the Articles of Confederation in the United States before the Constitution was adopted.

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why should a political system be unitary federal or confederal, because a federal system would allow the state would not be a single fraction, state government would be smaller and more reposnive to local needs.

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