Explorer Vasco da Gama had 7 children. Their names are Estevao, Cristovao, Isabel, Paulo, Francisco, Alvaro and Pedro da Gama.
Bartolomeu Dias founded the Cape of Good Hope which is the tip of Africa. But Vasco da Gama went around the cape of good hope and landed in India
There are too many to list altogether, but here are a few of the more well-known: Johannes Gutenberg, Saint Joan of Arc, King Richard III of England, Guru Nanak, King Louis XI of France, Sandro Botticelli, Leonardo da Vinci, Christopher Columbus, Vasco da Gama, Amerigo Vaspucci, Nicolaus Copernicus. For details of these 11 as well as information of other significant 15th century names, see the Wikipedia link below.
Ah, isn't that a lovely question? Giovanni da Verrazzano was not married. He spent his life exploring the world's oceans and coastlines, seeking new lands and opportunities. Sometimes the greatest adventures are found in the beauty of nature and the freedom of the open sea.
Leonardo da Vinci because he is a famous inventor and he is smart and popular
Once a year
what were his kids names
They are Pualo And Nicolao
1497 vasco da gamas father die
vasco da gama had 6 sons. i dont know their names and if you do know fix it. thank you.
VASCO DA GAMAS trip was in India.
Vasco da Gama liked to watch Vikings football
Vasco DA Gama had 170 crew members
Da Gamas rank was an admiral
Estevao Da Gama
Vikings football
many of men -braily-