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Utah had 5 electoral votes for their 952,370 votes cast in the 2008 presidential election. These 5 electoral votes were cast for John McCain.

Utah will increase to 6 electoral votes in the 2012 election.

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9y ago

Alaska has 3 electoral votes. It has had 3 electoral votes since the 1960 presidential election, (after Alaska became a state in 1959) and continues to have 3 today.

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14y ago

Alaska had 3 electoral votes in 2008. These votes went to John McCain, Republican.

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16y ago

According to a map on this Wikipedia Page:, Alaska has 3 Electoral Votes.

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8y ago

Alaska has had 3 electoral votes since 1960 after becoming a state in 1959. This number has not changed.

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12y ago

Georgia's electoral vote count was 15 in the elections of 2004 & 2008, and it's 16 in the elections of 2012, 2016 & 2020.

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How many electoral votes does Alaska have and why does it keep changing?

Alaska has 3 electoral votes. The number of electoral votes can change over time as the population of the state changes.

What is Alaska's number of electoral votes in the presidential election?

The number of electoral votes for each state is equal to the sum of its number of Senators and its number of Representatives in the U.S. House of Representatives. Based on the 2010 Census, there is 1 member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Alaska. Therefore, Alaska has 3 electoral votes.

How many electrical votes Alaska?

The number of electoral votes for each state is equal to the sum of its number of Senators and its number of Representatives in the U.S. House of Representatives. Based on the 2010 Census, there is 1 member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Alaska. Therefore, Alaska has 3 electoral votes.

Which state will have more electoral votes Alaska or Michigan?

Michigan has more with 17 electoral votes. Alaska has the minimum, 3.

How many electoral votes did john mccain win in alaska?

John McCain won three electoral votes in Alaska, by receiving 193,841 votes to Obama's 123,594 votes.

How many electrocal votes does AK have?

AK is the U.S. Postal Service for Alaska. The number of electoral votes for each state is equal to the sum of its number of Senators and its number of Representatives in the U.S. House of Representatives. Based on the 2010 Census, there is 1 member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Alaska. Therefore, Alaska has 3 electoral votes.

What are the three smallest number of electoral votes that a candidate can have?

The three smallest number of electoral votes that a candidate could possibly win are zero, three, and six.

How many electoral votes did Arkansa have in the last presidential election?

The number of electoral votes for each state is equal to the sum of its number of Senators and its number of Representatives in the U.S. House of Representatives. Based on the 2010 Census, there is 1 member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Alaska. Therefore, Alaska had 3 electoral votes in the 2016 presidential election.

How many electoral votes did Donald Trump get from Alaska?

Donald Trump received 3 electoral votes, receiving 163,387 votes to Hillary Clinton's 116,454 votes, winning Alaska.

How many votes did Alaska have in the last presedential election?

Alaska has 3 electoral college votes.

Who got Alaska's votes Obama or McCain?

McCain won Alaska's 3 electoral votes.

How many other states have the same number of electoral votes as Alaska?

Montana.Wyoming.North Dakota.South Dakota.Vermont.Delaware.