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Q: What are the stages of the liberated prisoner's experience outside the cave for allgory of the den?
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What is the goal of Guantanamo Bay?

The goal was to hold US prisoners outside of the USA.

Why did the soviets remain in the countries they had liberated during World War 2?

To spread communism outside of Russian soil.

Do prisoners have access to money during their prison terms?

Prisoners are not allowed to handle money when they are in prison but they do have accounts that they can use for purchasing items from commissary and outside vendors.

When were the captive Jews finally freed?

When the camps were behind Allied lines rather than behind Axis lines. This happened at different times as the Allies advanced. The Soviets liberated Majdanek near Lublin, Poland, on 23 July 1944. The Soviets reached the camps of Belzic, Sobibor, and Treblinka in the summer of 1944, but the camps had been largely dismantled by the Nazis in 1943, and all Jewish prisoners had been killed or moved so none were left there to liberate. Auschwitz was liberated with the Soviet advance on 27 January 1945. In the months following, with the Nazis in retreat, the Soviets liberated Stutthof, Sachsenhausen, and Revensbreuck (29 April). US troops liberated Buchenwald outside of Weimar on 11 April 1945, and the camps at Dora-Mittelbau, Flossenbürg, Dachau (29 April), and Mauthausen (5 May) in quick succession. British troops liberated the camps at Neuengamme and Bergen-Belsen (15 April) in northern Germany also in 1945.

What is the Allegory of the Cave?

It is about prisoners in a cave, chained so that they may not see anything but shadows. They have no knowledge of the world outside of the cave.

Why German reichmarks was not use in German camps?

The point was to prevent prisoners having any money that could be used outside the camps.

Why do prisoners stick mirrors outside their jail cells when someone is walking past?

Prisoners may stick mirrors outside their jail cells to check for approaching guards or other inmates, allowing them to discreetly observe their surroundings. This gives them a chance to be prepared and avoid any unwanted confrontations.

Can a prisoner choose to stay his cell forever and not go out side?

No, prisoners are typically not allowed to choose to stay in their cell forever. Prison systems have regulations that dictate when prisoners must leave their cell for activities such as meals, exercise, and medical appointments. The purpose of these regulations is to ensure the well-being and safety of the prisoners.

Are people barefoot in prison?

Most juvenile jails require prisoners be barefoot when locked in their cells. They leave their shoes outside in the hall. Some counties in the south make their prisoners go barefoot, including going to court barefoot and in full chains.

What day and year was the Jewish concentration camps liberated?

They were liberated at different times as the allied forces - US, Britain and Russia advanced into Germany on three fronts. Bergen-Belsen was relieved by the British in April 15, 1945. After liberation the British maintained the camp for at least five years containing the prisoners as the levels of disease such as Typhus was so high that they were afraid of the disease spreading outside. Conditions obviously were much better than during the war with cinemas etc. However, according to a British soldier who wrote about his experiences there, he believed more prisoners died after the British took control than during German occupation. A second reason for the British occupation of the camp was their reluctance to allow jews to leave to go to fight in Palestine. In fact the camp became a centre of arms smuggling and terrorist recruitment centre.

Who were the Jewish prisoners working for?

Essentially they worked for the SS, the SS would hire them out to outside companies (eg, I.G.Farben), who would then pay the SS for their services.

How old were Auschwitz prisoners?

Most prisoners were in their prime, between 18 and 50. But some outside of these ages pretended to be within these ages in order to survive. There were also the family (gypsy) camps, where children and the elderly lived, but the numbers of people in these camps was proportionately very small.