bill and tom went on a field trip from Montana to new Mexico what states did they probably travel through to get there
Not exactly... Great Falls -- named for an unnavigable falls in the Missouri River -- was a Native American settlement that was visited by the Lewis and Clark expedition in 1805, in the outbound portion of their journey. The party passed through Great Falls again in the opposite direction in 1806. What we know as Great Falls today was founded in 1883. Founders included Paris Gibson, Silas Beachley, James J. Hill, and Charles Arthur Broadwater.
A grant-in-aid provides funds from one level of government to another level of government to be used for specific purposes. Such funds are usually accompanied by requirements and standards set by the governing body for how they are to be spent. An example of this is the Federal Government requiring states to raise the drinking age in order to continue to qualify for federal funds for interstate highways.
The executive branch has expanded its powers through federal bureaucracies.
Because when he fired the handgun, the bullet went through the roof of his mouth, through his nasal cavity, and through his brain, all of which are very full of blood vessels. The blood will flow out through the easiest path, which would be his nose.
I-90 and I-94 are east-west interstate highways in Montana.
The answer is Interstate highway an U.S.highway
I-90 and I-94 are east-west interstate highways in Montana.
I-90 and I-94 are east-west interstate highways in Montana.
"There are several popular trucking routes that run through the state of Montana. The most well known ones are I-94, I-90, and I-15. US Highways 287, 89, and 212 are also popular."
There are many highways throughout California. Interstate 5 and 80 are the major highways in the state. Both highways run through the capital of Sacramento.
The blood vessels can be thought of as highways your blood uses to move through.
Rivers are different from highways because they need to flow down a slope. They also drain into lakes. Highways can on the other end snake through an uphill and pass through tunnels.
I-90 and I-94 are east-west interstate highways in Montana.
Through roads and highways.
Yes, they are the super highways for everything going through the body... well maybe small highways, because the arteries are the super highways.